$Id: status.html,v 1.1 2001/08/31 20:01:53 wwwwolf Exp $
See project page to find out how to download different releases and/or how to get stuff from CVS.
Ето некогда не работает!!!
- Uttered by a Russian spy in
"The Illustrated History of the Atom Bomb"
1.0 (the old release) is out there somewhere. You can get it from the project page. (It's in the downloads section, not in CVS as far as I can remember.)
1.0 had one bug: It didn't specify character set, and the HTML template it used was hard-coded... Thus, HTML spewer sent forth UTF characters and the document thought it was using Latin-1. 1.1 uses correct headers in its default template.
1.0 works. 1.1 doesn't work fully, but has the ItWorksForMe™ Seal of Approval.
1.0 is fairly interesting because it implemented its gap-finding for HTML tables using its own methods. It was also pretty much unreadable, after several months of inactivity I needed a magnifying glass to make any sense of it. I gave up on being too smart - 1.1 uses CPAN module for this stuff, and has probably much better documentation...
Schedulist 1.1 is a Major Rewrite. It includes:
<column name="...">
is used
instead. Day tags are still supported for historical